WE ARE literally living in the midst of fulfilled prophecies from the Book of Revelation. David W. Lowe joins us to discuss his influential book Earthquake Resurrection.

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Stan Deyo

The Bible tells us that a day is coming when the Earth will reel “like a drunkard”. Stan Deyo joins us to discuss the recent major earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador.Continue Reading

Black Sun, Blood Moon

THE END of the world is near — possibly. If true, what good news can Christians possibly find in that? Doug Woodward, author of the new book Black Sun, Blood Moon: Can We Escape The Cataclysms Of The Last Days?, examines biblical prophecy, the world’s fascination with 2012, and forecastsContinue Reading


IS TIME a linear progression of random events, or is there a pattern that makes it possible to discern the shape of things to come?  Tom Payne, author of The Template of Time: Our Destiny Decoded, discusses the relationship between history and prophecy.  He also shares his analysis of whereContinue Reading


THE PROPHET Isaiah saw a bleak future: Behold, the LORD will empty the earth and make it desolate, and he will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants. […] The earth is utterly broken, the earth is split apart, the earth is violently shaken. The earth staggers like a drunkenContinue Reading
