Blowing the shofar

BOB MITCHELL is proof that brothers and sisters in Christ outside our borders are also watching for prophetic signs to discern the seasons. Shofar Ministries serves to alert the faithful in the U.K. (and around the world via Revelation TV) of the geopolitical and spiritual events that point to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

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A round table discussion featuring presenters at the Future Congress on Emerging Threats and Challenges in Branson, Missouri. Guests: Jeff Patty of; award-winning filmmaker Rob Skiba, writer/producer of the forthcoming sci-fi series Seed and author of the book-in-progress Babylon Rising: And the First Shall Be Last; and Russ Dizdar,Continue Reading


A round table discussion featuring presenters at the Future Congress on Emerging Threats and Challenges in Branson, Missouri. Guests: Chris White, host of Nowhere to Run on the Revelations Radio Network, Cris Putnam, publisher of Logos Apologia and contributor to the new book Pandemonium’s Engine, and Jim Fletcher, publisher ofContinue Reading

Maximal Reserve

OIL IS the coin of the realm, the virtual lifeblood of the global economy. The new thriller by author Sam Batterman, Maximal Reserve, explores the implications of a discovery that stands the concept of “peak oil” on its head, and the lengths that some would employ to preserve the statusContinue Reading


IS TIME a linear progression of random events, or is there a pattern that makes it possible to discern the shape of things to come?  Tom Payne, author of The Template of Time: Our Destiny Decoded, discusses the relationship between history and prophecy.  He also shares his analysis of whereContinue Reading
