Antichrist Chronicles

THE THING about not knowing when the End of Days will come exactly is that we might be looking at the rise of the prophesied Antichrist right now without realizing it. Terry James joins us to discuss his new book Antichrist Chronicles: Unveiling the Rise of Earth’s Final Fuhrer.Continue Reading

Revolution in Mind

SOMETIMES THE longest journeys we take are the ones inside our own minds. Roger Brian Neill describes his journey from a small town in New Brunswick to the infamous prisons of Jamaica, and from his college days as a fire-breathing Marxist to a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.Continue Reading


From the Old Testament through the present day, much of Jewish history is of surviving repeated attempts at extermination. Dr. Thomas Ice, Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center, explains why the world has been aligned against Israel almost since the very beginning.Continue Reading

Prophecy Forum

THE STUDY of prophecy is, according to some prominent evangelicals, not what Jesus wanted from his followers. We’re joined this week by three very intelligent men — Gary Winkelman, John Haller, and Doug Woodward — who respectfully disagree.Continue Reading

Cauldron by Terry James

Any time war seems likely in the Middle East, the question arises: Does this have prophetic implications? We asked Terry James, author of Cauldron: Supernatural Implications of the Current Middle East, why what happens there is important to the rest of us.Continue Reading
