VFTB 10/8/23: Nimrod the Empire Builder 

Originally thought to be Sargon of Akkad, it’s now believed this mask is his grandson, Naram-Sin.

NIMROD HAD nothing to do with Babel or Babylon—and they had nothing to do with one another. 

This is probably not what you’ve heard about the first great (human) rebel in the Bible, but if this week’s guest is correct, it’s historically accurate. Dr. Douglas Petrovich, author of the new book Nimrod the Empire Builder: Architect of Shock and Awe, explains how identifying Nimrod as the world’s first empire builder—a Mesopotamian king whose domain stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean—brings the notorious rebel from the mists of time onto the pages of history. 

You can help Dr. Petrovich get the book into print and reprint his previous book, the groundbreaking Origins of the Hebrews, at Doug’s crowdfunding campaign: indiegogo.com/projects/nimrod-the-empire-builder-origins-of-the-hebrews#/

Follow Dr. Doug Petrovich:

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