IT SOUNDS like something from a Hollywood film, but it’s real—and if our guest tonight has truly deciphered it, this artifact could be world-changing. Jim Barfield, director of the Copper Scroll Project explains why the Copper Scroll is so important and what kind of secrets it may reveal.

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IT MAY be a map to the greatest archaeological find in history. Jim Barfield, director of the Copper Scroll Project, and his colleague Chris Knight join us to discuss the controversial Copper Scroll, who wrote it, and what they were trying to preserve.

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DIRECTIONS TO the treasures of Solomon’s Temple inscribed on a sheet of copper found at Qumran among the Dead Sea scrolls? Shelley Neese, author of The Copper Scroll Project, discusses what could be the greatest archaeological find in history.

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IT’S NOT paranoia if they’ve really been trying to kill you for 1,400 years. Raymond Ibrahim, author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West, joins us to discuss the lessons we should have learned after 14 centuries of war with Islam.

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PROPHETIC SIGNS are everywhere you look. Pastor Paul Begley studies prophecy, and he joins us to discuss the days in which we’re living and what lies ahead.

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