When God gave the Law to Moses, He decreed that every 50th year would be a Jubilee. Evangelist Dan Goodwin says the Jubilee is exactly what God has in store when He returns to reclaim title to planet Earth.Continue Reading


WHEN JESUS returns, he will judge the nations by separating people into “sheep” and “goats”. Daniel Duval is the author of the new book Kingdom Government and the Promise of Sheep Nations. He discusses what a “sheep nation” might look like and, since this would happen after the Rapture, just who might live there.

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BELIEVERS ARE promised a blessing for studying the Book of Revelation but most churches avoid teaching prophecy. Alan Kurschner, founder and director of Eschatos Ministries and author of Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord, joins us to answer questions about the Prewrath Rapture.Continue Reading


From the Old Testament through the present day, much of Jewish history is of surviving repeated attempts at extermination. Dr. Thomas Ice, Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center, explains why the world has been aligned against Israel almost since the very beginning.Continue Reading

John Haller

ONE’S VIEW of Bible prophecy tells a lot about one’s view of Christian doctrine. John Haller, teaching pastor at Fellowship Bible Chapel and a member of The Prophecy Forum, explains how the study of Bible prophecy is important to one’s understanding of the gospel.Continue Reading
