TECHNOLOGY TO help you get possessed. It’s out there—apps to guide you in journeys to the spirit realm. And what about the use of mind-altering drugs to open gateways to the unseen realm?  Joining us to discuss the intersection of cutting-edge science and technology in the pursuit of contacting theContinue Reading


IT IS possible to be delivered from addiction so severe that not only do you lose your family, but you’re convinced that you are the Messiah in the flesh.  Barbara Joan Briggs discusses her book Love and Renewal of the Heart and Mind, an honest, revealing, and inspiring account of how JesusContinue Reading


WESTERN CHRISTIANS have been so desensitized to the supernatural that we usually don’t recognize evil when it’s staring us in the face.Continue Reading


MOST OF us assume that a portal is a physical gateway. But what if the entrance to another dimension is inside your head? Dr. Michael Bennett, A/K/A Dr. Future of the Future Quake radio program, tells us about government experiments to find and control supernatural doorways, the kinds of drugsContinue Reading


WE ARE pleased to talk again with bioethicist Wesley J. Smith. We discussed the Obamacare proposals and the dangers posed by a system designed by people who deny that humans are unique among the species on planet Earth.

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