The Template of Time

THE BIBLE contains a template from which we can chart the course of history. With that knowledge, we can predict the future with a startling degree of accuracy. This is not a version of the Bible codes; this is pattern recognition and analysis. Author Tom Payne discusses his newly revisedContinue Reading

Revelation Road

THE SO-CALLED Arab Spring may be leading to a very unpleasant summer. Joining us to discuss the prophetic implications of the political winds blowing in the Middle East is Bill Salus, author of the new book Revelation Road: Hope Beyond the Horizon.  He tells us what Bible prophecy has toContinue Reading

Babylon Rising

IT’S NOT unusual for conservative preachers to refer to America as a modern-day Babylon. They may be more correct than they know. Rob Skiba joins us to discuss his new book, Babylon Rising: And the First Shall be Last.  He tells us why he believes the first king of theContinue Reading

Watchers 3

SIGNS in the heavens, earthquakes in strange places, rebellion in the Middle East — what do these things have in common? Researcher and author L.A Marzulli suggests in his new 70-minute DVD, Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural, that these seemingly unconnected events all point to a cosmic clock that’sContinue Reading

As America Has Done to Israel

AMERICA MAY be on a collision course with God. According to John P. McTernan, there is a direct correlation between the alarming number of natural disasters striking the United States and its leaders pressuring Israel to surrender land for “peace”. John, founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith Ministries, discussesContinue Reading
