From the Old Testament through the present day, much of Jewish history is of surviving repeated attempts at extermination. Dr. Thomas Ice, Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center, explains why the world has been aligned against Israel almost since the very beginning.Continue Reading

Cauldron by Terry James

Any time war seems likely in the Middle East, the question arises: Does this have prophetic implications? We asked Terry James, author of Cauldron: Supernatural Implications of the Current Middle East, why what happens there is important to the rest of us.Continue Reading

Stan Deyo

THE LOCATION of Eden was certainly a compelling topic. However, Stan Deyo’s second presentation at the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit may have been just as intriguing.Continue Reading

Nuclear Showdown in Iran

DID THE prophet Jeremiah foresee a nuclear disaster in Iran? Bill Salus, author of the new book Nuclear Showdown in Iran, discusses Jeremiah 49:34-39, a prophecy against the ancient nation of Elam, and why Bill believes it could foretell a nuclear disaster in Iran that scatters people in the area “to the four winds”.Continue Reading

American Minute

GEORGE SANTAYANA wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” William J. Federer, host of the daily radio feature American Minute, has worked for years to help Americans remember the faith that informed the principles on which the United States was founded.Continue Reading
