Final Events

IT’S RARE that new information emerges in UFO research, but we’re honored this week to feature a man who’s managed to disclose the existence of a group that’s remained under the radar of ufologists for over 60 years. Researcher and author Nick Redfern discusses his new book Final Events andContinue Reading

War of the Worlds

63 years ago, Americans might have heard news reports of a flying disc recovered near Roswell, New Mexico. However, it wasn’t until 30 years later, largely through the efforts of physicist Stanton Friedman, that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash attained its status as one of the iconic moments of modernContinue Reading


THE OLD Testament is a record of rebellion. Fallen angels, placed over the nations by God after the Tower of Babel incident, led the peoples under their control in a war of extermination against the one nation reserved by Yahweh for Himself. In other words, Baal, Asherah, Molech, Chemosh, Dagon, and the other gods who bedeviled the ancient Hebrews weren’t simply constructs of wood and stone; they were real. Dr. Michael S. Heiser shares the biblical evidence for the Divine Council paradigm and explains why it matters to Christians today.

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