WITCHCRAFT HAS been rebranded in recent decades. Where once it was considered an evil practice inspired by the devil, now it’s harmless fun for kids at Halloween or a form of feminist spiritualism that empowers women.

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A SERPENT-SHAPED ridge about three-quarters of a mile long sits less than a quarter-mile north of Gilgal Refaim, the megalithic maze on the Golan Heights. This mound is three times longer and four times higher than the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, but it’s gone unnoticed by the world—until now.

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BIBLICAL GIANTOLOGY. Yes, that’s a thing. We discuss it with archaeologist, historian, and author of Interview with the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim, Dr. Judd Burton.

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Expert on Muslim eschatology Dr. Timothy Furnish (www.OccidentalJihadist.com), explains why their differing views on the Mahdi make Sunni Muslims a bigger threat to security. Then Dr. Judd Burton explains why Christians can celebrate Christmas without guilt.Continue Reading


What ancient religious beliefs lie behind the modern celebration of Halloween? Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview with the Giant and Religions of the Biblical World, joins us to discuss the spirits behind the masks. Continue Reading
