IMAGINE BEING a Secret Service officer charged with protecting a head of state who’s being pursued by nine-foot tall assassins weighing 800 pounds. And trained in martial arts. Brian Godawa describes his vision of the world of ancient Israel that shaped his latest work, David Ascendant: Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Seven.Continue Reading

When Giants Were Upon the Earth

LUCKY THING Noah was far more merciful than God or none of us would be here. We discuss the new film with Brian Godawa, creator of the Chronicles of the Nephilim series and author of the new book When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Watchers, the Nephilim, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed.

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WHEN JOSHUA led the Hebrews into Canaan, it was not an arbitrary campaign of genocide ordered by a jealous, murderous deity named Yahweh. It was a war against a race created by fallen angels specifically to exterminate the bloodline of the Messiah.Continue Reading

Abraham Allegiant

THE BIBLE is perhaps the most exciting book in history. Gods, monsters, and men — it’s all in there, and the cool thing is, it’s true. Award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa (To End All Wars) takes the bones of his Chronicles of the Nephilim series from biblical accounts and fills in theContinue Reading

Gilgamesh Immortal

AS IT’S written in the book of Ecclesiastes: What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. So it wasn’t a huge surprise to discover that the new novel by award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa,Continue Reading
