IT’S THE best little theology conference in America. Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview With the Giant and The Nephilim Dossier, joins us to talk about next month’s Sons of God, Giants of Old VIII conference in Lubbock, Texas.

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JESUS TOLD stories to express transcendent truths. Can we Christians do the same? Bryan Sawyer is an actor who’ll be featured in Half Blood, a horror series coming to Amazon Prime Video later this year, and he’s working with the writers to bring some biblical truth to the plot.Continue Reading


IN TODAY’S scientistic, naturalistic world, why would a serious scholar of biblical theology endorse the idea that angels literally procreated with human women to produce giants? Tim Chaffey, author of Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim, explains why a Christian apologist chose to defend the minority view of Genesis 6:1-4.

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VENERATION OF the dead is a practice that links the modern world to the earliest days of recorded human history. Sharon K. Gilbert joins Derek to discuss their first book together, Veneration, and how she uses the research behind this book for her top-rated historical fiction series, The Redwing Saga.

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A SERPENT-SHAPED ridge about three-quarters of a mile long sits less than a quarter-mile north of Gilgal Refaim, the megalithic maze on the Golan Heights. This mound is three times longer and four times higher than the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, but it’s gone unnoticed by the world—until now.

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