SYRIA IS five thousand years of warfare, and deploying American soldiers will not put a stop to the death. In October 2015, Doug Woodward joined us to discuss an article he’d written titled “Pick Your Poison: The U.S. Can’t Win in Syria.” It’s as true today as it was then.

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WE BEGIN the new year with a look back twelve years to a podcast Sharon and I produced in January 4, 2009, as we looked at the incoming administration of Barack Obama. There are plenty of parallels to where we are today, twelve years later.

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ISRAEL’S OLDEST and most bitter enemy, the planet Mars, and end-times prophecy are all connected. Timothy Alberino, author of the best-selling new book Birthright, explains.

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THERE WERE GIANTS in the earth in those days, and also after that… It’s an understatement to say that Genesis 6:1-4 has caused an inordinate amount of controversy among Christian theologians and lay people for thousands of years. The current consensus is that the “sons of God” mentioned in thoseContinue Reading
