WHAT IF the apocalyptic prophecies in the Bible were fulfilled in the 1st century? Brian Godawa joins us to discuss his new novel Resistant: Revolt of the Jews, the spiritual forces behind the Jewish rebellion in the 1st century, and why we should be willing to consider other points of view when it comes to eschatology.Continue Reading


WHAT REALLY happened in Syria earlier this month? Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis (US Army, Ret.), author of Future War and The Deeper State, suggests that the real reason for the strike may have been fear of the spread of biological weapons that would be much more difficult to control if they were ever deployed.Continue Reading


WE’RE SHAMELESSLY stealing the title of an article by our guest for the title of the episode. Dr. Timothy Furnish, author of Ten Years’ Captivation with the Mahdi’s Camps, joins us to discuss the recent call by Turkey’s President Erdogan for an Islamic army to confront Israel.Continue Reading


RECENT MOVES by Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman appear to be setting up a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shias. Joel Richardson, author of Mystery Babylon, joins us to discuss the looming showdown between Saudi Arabia and Iran.Continue Reading


A NEW cave has been officially designated at Qumran, site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, for the first time in more than 60 years. This is an extended interview recorded at SkyWatchTV with two of the men involved in the dig, archaeologist Dr. Aaron Judkins and forensic architect Bruce Hall.

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