BELOW YOUR feet is a nightmare world that holds creatures of unimaginable power and unspeakable evil. Filmmaker Justen Faull, writer/producer/director of the forthcoming film The Hollow Earth Chronicles: The Dark Chambers, explains how the concept of a hollow earth inspired some of the worst crimes against humanity in recent history.

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Caspar McCloud joins us to discuss his new book Unmasking the Future, a look at the topics that drive people to search for answers from the Enemy when they can’t get them in church.

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ON MARCH 25, 1948, a flying saucer was found on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Dr. Frank Thayer, co-author of The Aztec UFO Incident, explains why this is an important event in the history of the modern UFO phenomenon.Continue Reading


PEPSI RECENTLY released a slick six-minute film that features the mysterious Black Knight satellite. Frank Johnson of joins us to discuss the Black Knight, UFO lore, and why Pepsi would spend a boatload of money to tell us we’re not alone in the universe.Continue Reading


FROM THE so-called “Zombie Apocalypse” to the terror of the Islamic State, we are living in troublesome times. L.A. Marzulli joins us to discuss the real cause of the world’s woes, which is the subject of his new book, Days of Chaos.Continue Reading
