THE SAUDI king is dead, Yemen has fallen to Shiite rebels, Hezbollah has killed two IDF soldiers, and war rages on in Syria and Iraq. Avi Davis, president of the American Freedom Alliance, joins us to discuss the rapidly changing geopolitical scene in the Middle East.

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Antichrist Chronicles

THE THING about not knowing when the End of Days will come exactly is that we might be looking at the rise of the prophesied Antichrist right now without realizing it. Terry James joins us to discuss his new book Antichrist Chronicles: Unveiling the Rise of Earth’s Final Fuhrer.Continue Reading

Cauldron by Terry James

Any time war seems likely in the Middle East, the question arises: Does this have prophetic implications? We asked Terry James, author of Cauldron: Supernatural Implications of the Current Middle East, why what happens there is important to the rest of us.Continue Reading

Nuclear Showdown in Iran

DID THE prophet Jeremiah foresee a nuclear disaster in Iran? Bill Salus, author of the new book Nuclear Showdown in Iran, discusses Jeremiah 49:34-39, a prophecy against the ancient nation of Elam, and why Bill believes it could foretell a nuclear disaster in Iran that scatters people in the area “to the four winds”.Continue Reading

Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?

ONE OF the biggest questions — or arguments — for students of prophecy is whether the Church will endure the Great Tribulation. Dr. Doug Stauffer explains why he believes the answer is, “No.”Continue Reading
