Gary Stearman and Bill Salus

Bill Salus of Prophecy Depot Ministries discusses his forthcoming book, which focuses on a section of the book of Jeremiah that may prophesy judgment against Iran–possibly a nuclear disaster.

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The tech gadgets on which we have come to depend may play a role in setting up the kingdom of the Antichrist. Paul McGuire, author of “A Prophecy of the Future of America”, discusses how technology is leading to the creation of “a dark utopia.”

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Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi

YOU CAN pray in the language of the prophets. In the latest featured interview from the Orlando Prophecy Summit, Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi, former director of Hebrew programs at Arizona State University, discusses the beauty of the Hebrew language, offers his opinions of Bible codes, and tells us why it’s easier to learn than we might think.

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A PIECE of linen woven in the 1st century may have prophetic implications for your life. That sounds weird, but as Russ Breault, president of the Shroud of Turin Education Project, explains, if the Shroud is a receipt for a debt that’s been paid, then — since Christ promised that He would returnContinue Reading
