Doc Marquis

MAYBE IT takes one who has come out of the life to warn others about the life. Our guest is Doc Marquis, who was raised in the occult and trained to be a witch before Christians who crossed his path shared the gospel with him. Doc, in his inimitable style,Continue Reading

When Giants Were Upon the Earth

LUCKY THING Noah was far more merciful than God or none of us would be here. We discuss the new film with Brian Godawa, creator of the Chronicles of the Nephilim series and author of the new book When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Watchers, the Nephilim, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed.

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The Dark Lord by Peter Levenda

THE HORROR fiction of H.P. Lovecraft might be closer to reality than we’d like to think. Peter Levenda, author of “The Dark Lord: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic” returns to discuss the links between the Cthulu Mythos, Thelema, and the ancient alien meme. Is there a common thread that explains why the world is going to hell?Continue Reading

Lying Wonders

MARS HAS fascinated people since the beginning. In his new book “Lying Wonders of the Red Planet: Exposing the Lie of Ancient Aliens”, our friend Doug Woodward explores the Martian memes that flood cable television and late-night talk radio and offers a Christian perspective on the idea that men (and women) are from Mars.Continue Reading
