The apostle Peter wrote that Satan is a roaring lion, seeking victims to devour. After hearing Sheila Broughton’s story, you’ll find it hard to disagree.

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Sarah Leslie of Discernment Ministries, joined us to talk about the New Apostolic Reformation–its history, its beliefs, and the links between these new apostles, mainstream evangelicals, and political power brokers.

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REPORTS OF sleep paralysis are so widespread and so common throughout history that one would think science would have nailed the cause by now. The phenomenon is far more ominous than bad dreams.Continue Reading


Jackie Alnor, author of The Fleecing of Christianity, discusses the false prophets, self-appointed apostles, and lying signs and wonders of the New Apostolic Reformation–and the developing alliance with leading mainstream evangelicals.

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THE LAST Days Conference is now history, and everyone who attended would agree that it was a powerful experience. An impressive group of speakers each contributed a piece to the puzzle that is the timeline of the countdown to the end of the age.Continue Reading
