Chad Miles

FROM ARMY intelligence to the leading edge of the tech industry, Chad Miles is a man who’s mind is always engaged. He’s a former contributing editor for Defense Watch Magazine and former contributor to The Michigan Journal.  As a political blogger he has written regularly for Right Michigan, Tech Republican,Continue Reading

The Template of Time

DOES THE Bible hold a hidden time code with the answers to some of life’s greatest questions, such as: “What is our destination?” and “When will we get there?” In The Template of Time, Tom Payne draws on eight years of intensive research as he makes the case for aContinue Reading


THE PORTAL to the spirit world may be inside your head.  Author and professor of psychiatry Dr. Rick Strassman makes the case in his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule that a substance found in plants and the human body may be the key to unlocking that portal. In 1990, Dr.Continue Reading


THE ELECTION of Barack Obama has prompted a visceral response from conservatives in America.  The tea-party movement has a strong appeal to conservative Christians, who respond to the movement’s call for smaller government that abides by the Constitution. But within that movement are those who seek to remake the EarthContinue Reading

Roswell and the Reich

THERE WAS a coverup of what really happened at Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947.  But the conspiracy wasn’t the coverup of a UFO crash; the UFO was the coverup. Dr. Joseph Farrell, author of Reich of the Black Sun, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASA’s Nazis, JFK,Continue Reading
