Sarah Leslie of Discernment Ministries, joined us to talk about the New Apostolic Reformation–its history, its beliefs, and the links between these new apostles, mainstream evangelicals, and political power brokers.

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THE LAST Days Conference is now history, and everyone who attended would agree that it was a powerful experience. An impressive group of speakers each contributed a piece to the puzzle that is the timeline of the countdown to the end of the age.Continue Reading


Joe Jordan, co-author of the forthcoming book Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where It Originates and How It Stops. He talked about ufology, where “aliens” really come from, and how abductees can make them go away.

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A MINOR flap erupted this week over the news that a suppler to the US military inscribes its high-tech gunsights with references to Bible verses. Is this Christian-bashing or Dominionism on the march? Paul and Phillip Collins join us to discuss.

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Pastor Ken Silva, President of Apprising Ministries and the General Editor of Christian Research Net, discusses the hijacking of conservative evangelical denominations by New Age mysticism.

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