Dr. Judd Burton, one of the organizers of the annual Sons of God, Giants of Old Conference joins us to discuss the links between the Nephilim, demons, and the prophesied army of darkness that will follow the Antichrist to the Battle of Armageddon.Continue Reading


NIKOLAS CRUZ, the accused shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School, reportedly told police that demons gave him instructions during the attack. Ray Gano, author of the forthcoming book The Demonic Wars, joins us to talk about demons, spiritual warfare, and why the church in America is so unprepared for stories like this.Continue Reading


OUR GUEST this week is a longtime UFO investigator. Norio Hayakawa explains why he believes the “UFO phenomenon does not constitute conclusive evidence of actual physical ET visitations by physical extraterrestrial biological entities piloting or maneuvering physical extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind.”Continue Reading


WHAT’S A nice Baptist pastor like him doing with a topic like this? Jumping into the discussion over the identity of the “sons of God” in Genesis 6, Doug Van Dorn joins us to discuss his book, Giants: Sons of the Gods.

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LIFE IS too short to let it be destroyed by things you can’t see! Doug Overmyer of Seers See Ministries discusses his new book, Peace in Your House: Spiritual Cleansing of Life and Land. Doug analyzes demonic forces that oppress us and tells us how they can be stopped.

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