VFTB 11/21/21: Christopher Knowles – Synchromysticism

WE LIVE in a supernatural reality. Christians should be the first to acknowledge this but we’ve conceded the territory to occultists.

Christopher Knowles has been trying to awaken us to the global “sorcerarchy who rule over all of us today” since 2007 at his blog, The Secret Sun. We discuss “synchromysticism,” connections between occult adepts and government intelligence agencies, and why a supernatural worldview is the only way to understand the world around us. 

You can dive deeper into Chris’ work at his Patreon page, the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism.

Watch our interview here:

My new book The Second Coming of Saturn is out! The paperback is available now at the SkyWatchTV store, and you can get the paperback and Kindle at Amazon.

Read my novels for free! Iron Dragons and The God Conspiracy are part of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, and they’re linked at my author page: Amazon.com/author/derekpgilbert.

Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

And check out our weekly video program Unraveling Revelation (www.unravelingrevelation.tv)!

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