VFTB 175: Seers

hat-manWHAT DO you do when your small child points to an empty space outside your patio door and asks, in all sincerity, “Daddy, what is that bad man doing?”

Doug Overmyer has had to wrestle with that question a number of times over the last seven years, so he has embarked on a ministry focusing on the ability to see into the spirit realm.  His website, www.SeersSee.com, is a resource for parents, pastors, and people who, like Doug’s young daughter, can see what most of us cannot.  We discuss the ability, the temptations it brings, why some Christians possess it, and how it can be used to help others.

Derek and Sharon Gilbert will be at the Prophecy in the News Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit July 25-27, 2014 at the Marriott Hotel in Colorado Springs. Watch for information here.

Please visit the VFTB Facebook page, and check out the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.

Download a smaller, lower-fidelity version of the mp3 of this show by clicking here.


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  1. That was cool! Bind the spirit that is effecting electronics…. and BAM! done.

  2. Wow….of all the Christian podcasts I heard that seem to be spiritually interrupted, particularly Russ Dizdar, that was the first time I have heard a rebuke in the name of Christ just blow it away.

    I have to learn to stop being blown away by the Lord. Nothing should surprise me anymore about the power of god, nothing.

    Great show

  3. I’d like to second Dave’s comment. At first you’re thinking, “bad connection”, then the Spirit says otherwise. I started praying, rebuking, forgetting this was previously recorded. Thankfully, you Derek stopped things and Doug started speaking to that “hindering” spirit. Not a crisp interview, but effective none-the-less. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

  4. Thank you! This was the information I was looking for when I ran into your ministry many years ago. I believe my wife is a “seer” but we never had a word for it before. I have had to learn to come against some things, as the head of the house, that I cannot see, but my wife saw them. I have had the opportunity to see several confirmations of these situations. I told a “little boy” who was hanging out in our laundry room and as I prayed for God’s presence to fill the place, two light blew out in the hall way and in the bathroom.

    I really enjoyed your discussion about movies. Movies that glorify bloodshed, death, and even rage open us up to being infected by sin. When we rejoice over the death of the “bad guy” or “monster” we come really close to murder in our hearts.

    Thanks for having this guest on.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your note, Dan. This confirms the sense I had after finally listening to Doug’s previous interview that he is addressing a real need in the Church.

  5. As with all the interviews posted on VFTB I really enjoyed this episode. Every since reading Peretti’s “This Present Darkness” I’ve been aware of the spirit world around me. I too am involved in our church’s youth ministry and as a pastor find Doug’s website a great source of information as I believe we may have a seer in our group. Our church / senior pastor talks about the spirit realm, but this topic has never come up – and while we’ve never said that Christians and seers don’t go together, we’ve never said that they do!

    I will be passing this information and resource onto my senior pastor and other pastors at my church.

    Derek, once again, thoroughly enjoyed this episode. VFTB provides a great “grid” to hear different ideas and things I need to be aware of that I wouldn’t necessarily know where to find them!

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