Fleecing of Christianity by Jackie AlnorONE OF the most influential Christian broadcasters of all time passed away one week ago.  Paul Crouch died November 30, 2013 at the age of 79.

What legacy has he created through the immense success of the Trinity Broadcasting Network?  Jackie Alnor, host of The Scattered Sheep Report on Rapture Ready Radio and author of The Fleecing of Christianity, discusses the theology, influence, and spiritual fruit of Paul and Jan Crouch.

Note:  Hear excerpts from the interview Jackie conducted with Paul Crouch’s granddaughter, Brittany Crouch Koper, by clicking here.   Read the transcript of the interview by clicking here: Part One, and Part Two.

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Download a smaller, lower-fidelity version of the mp3 of this show by clicking here.


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  1. This grand-daughter had nothing to gain and everything to lose from exposing the misuse of funds. Somehow I believe her! It is also shameful how her dad Paul Jr. seems to have been erased from TBN and the rest of the family on TBN!

  2. I’m not a fan of TBN or any of the Crouch family, however, I was very troubled by this program. It’s one thing to disagree with doctrine or how the network is being run but I found much of what Jackie was relating to be nothing more than gossip. I don’t care what the reason for it is; no matter how good the ends supposedly are (such as steering new Christians away from the channel and the faulty doctrine of many ministries on the network) it doesn’t justify passing along stories of Matthew as the product of an affair, or Jan kissing and “butt-patting” the Jesus character in a parking lot. That is nothing more than voyeurism and it is nearly as bad (in my opinion) as the false teaching being passed along by the network. It’s Christian equivalent of the “National Enquirer” as far as I can tell and it is as destructive to the faith as any improper teaching. Gossip is sin.

    Following that line, while I don’t agree with the word-faith movement and their teachings, some of her complaints on doctrine and teachings are borderline; that is, the concepts can be used incorrectly or properly., depending on the focus and the teacher. But she condemns anything even remotely related without differentiating. That tars every ministry that touches on those doctrines, no matter the context, or that airs on the network with a dirty brush and that is wrong also. I think there’s a more appropriate and biblical way to address these concerns than through blatant gossip. She apparently relishes this type of information but I question whether Christ has the same opinion of her methods and the information she passes along.

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