When the Stars Fall

IT’S EASY for Western Christians to forget that Jesus Christ was the ultimate Jew. Messianic teacher and lecturer Rabbi Michael Bugg, author of When the Stars Fall: A Messianic Commentary on the Revelation, discusses the Book of Revelation in light of Jewish culture and rabbinic tradition.

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KNOWLEDGE IS power, and we tap into a valuable source of intel tonight. We talk with Carl Teichrib, chief editor of Forcing Change, an information/intelligence portal designed to document and analyze the religious, social, governance, and economic agendas, movements, and initiatives that are  radically shifting Western civilization. This transformation hasContinue Reading

Mystery of the Olmecs

ONE OF the most intriguing mysteries of ancient times comes from relatively close to home: the Olmecs of central America. Author David Hatcher Childress proposes some out-of-the-box ideas in The Mystery of the Olmecs regarding their origins and the extent of their cultural influences. The Olmecs were not acknowledged toContinue Reading


18th CENTURY philosopher and architect Jeremy Bentham invented a new type of prison in which inmates could be watched by jailers at any time, or all the time, without the knowledge of the prisoners. The panopticon has disturbing implications for the total surveillance society in which we find ourselves today.Continue Reading

Black Box Voting

THE SANCTITY of the voting process in the United States has been questioned, but it’s usually with a sense of disbelief. After all, phony elections happen in places like, well, Iran and Venezuela, right? Bev Harris, author of Black Box Voting (which is still available for free online) and theContinue Reading
