PRE, MID OR POST? That simple question, referring to the timing of the Rapture, is a sure way to set otherwise mild-mannered Christians to arguing.Continue Reading

Gary Stearman

Gary Stearman, Executive Producer and host of Prophecy in the News, took a few minutes at the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit to discuss why he tackles subjects that one usually doesn’t hear in church, and why he feels conferences like the Prophecy Summit are necessary.Continue Reading

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of WorldNetDaily, joined us at the Prophecy Summit at Pikes Peak to discuss why he chose to leave the traditional newspaper business for the Internet and his new ventures in online television and independent movie production.Continue Reading

Russ Dizdar

AS CRAZY as it sounds, the Bible makes it plain that at some point in the future a coalition of armies will actually try to fight God. Russ Dizdar, author of The Black Awakening, discusses the desire by fallen angels to recruit and develop an End Times army.Continue Reading
