WE ARE literally living in the midst of fulfilled prophecies from the Book of Revelation. David W. Lowe joins us to discuss his influential book Earthquake Resurrection.

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Brent MIller, Jr. of Ingenuity Films (www.IngenuityFilms.com) discusses his new documentary Before the Wrath (www.beforethewrath.com), narrated by Kevin Sorbo, which explains how rediscovered evidence from the time of Christ reveals exactly how and why the Rapture must occur.

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WE CHRISTIANS talk a lot about “glory,” but most of us really don’t have a clue about what that means. In their new book, authors Doug Woodward and Gary Huffman, authors of The Revealing: Unlocking Hidden Truths on the Glorification of God’s Children, explain why comprehending our true destiny is so important.Continue Reading


WILL THE Rapture of the Church happen this coming September? Scott Clarke of ERF Ministries thinks so. In this fascinating discussion, Scott makes his case for the Rapture occurring with an astronomical alignment in September of 2017.

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There are plenty of opinions about the Rapture, and there is a lot of unnecessary confusion and division among believers. Pastor Billy Crone discusses his new book The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived, a detective’s approach to finding the truth about the Rapture.

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