Age of Deceit 2

IN OUR high-tech world, we are rarely without a device that connects us almost instantly with the World Wide Web. But what if the Information Superhighway is actually a network wiring all of us together like so many neurons in a global brain? And what if that global brain turns out to be the prophesied Image of the Beast?

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Cris Putnam

THE LARGEST Christian denomination on the planet seems to have a profound interest in things happening off planet — meaning outer space.  The Roman Catholic Church has been involved in astronomical studies since the time of Galileo. Cris Putnam, co-author with Tom Horn of Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, andContinue Reading


YOUR FUTURE is spending the rest of eternity as the disembodied brain of a holographic avatar, possibly flitting about somewhere in space.  That’s one vision of the future from the group assembled at the recent Global Future 2045 World Congress in New York City, a production of the 2045 Initiative.Continue Reading

Ark of Hope

IT’S LIKE the Illuminati or the New World Order:  Many of us have heard of Agenda 21 and have a general sense that it’s not a good thing, but we don’t really understand what it is or how it affects us. Carl Teichrib, editor of the excellent journal Forcing Change,Continue Reading

human engineering

Patrick Wood, co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington and founder of RevelationGate Ministries, explains how Christian doctrine stripped of the Creation and the Second Coming is a faith without a purpose — and how global elites, influenced by the powers and principalities we were warned about by the apostle Paul, are exploiting that theological void to lure people into taking a second bite of Eden’s apple.

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