EUROPE HAD its paradigm violently shifted November 13th when Islamic radicals killed at least 130 people in Paris. Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis, author of the new book Never Submit, discusses the military and geopolitical situation in the Middle East, and what might happen next.Continue Reading


IT IS difficult to address a problem that one willingly refuses to acknowledge. Dr. Timothy R. Furnish, a consultant, researcher and author on the topics of Islam, Mahdism, Jihadism, Shi`ism, and other Islamic sects, discusses the eschatology of the Islamic State (ISIS) and how its view of end times prophecy directs its bloody agenda.Continue Reading

Turkey Syria

IT’S DIFFICULT to understand what’s happening on the other side of the world. Not only is our media filtered, but we don’t begin to grasp the nuances of culture, race, and religion that affect geopolitics. In the hope of shedding some light on what looks like a possible flashpoint forContinue Reading
