Dr. Stanley Monteith

IT DOESN’T take medical training to recognize that our world is sick. One might say that what we need now, more than anything, is a doctor of singular skill. While we wait for His return, we discuss the ills that plague us with Dr. Stanley Monteith, host of Radio Liberty and authorContinue Reading


THERE IS no greater threat to the Christian church in America today than the New Age movement. Why? Because it’s just a repackaged version of the old lie, “ye shall be as gods”. Sadly, this lie has wormed its way into our churches. Too many believers are unaware of the many faces this lie presents, from contemplative prayer to political activism where temporal power is justified as a means to an end.

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A SECRETIVE religious group that wields power in Washington, D.C. and other world capitals — sounds like the basis for Dan Brown’s next novel, but it’s real.

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