gods_super_apostlesIT WILL probably surprise you to learn that apostles and prophets with all the power and authority of their biblical forebears walk the Earth today.

Or so they would like you to believe.

Holly Pivec has been studying the Apostolic-Prophetic movement, otherwise known as the New Apostolic Reformation (their term), for over twelve years, and she has co-authored a pair of books with Dr. R. Douglas Geivett, Professor of Philosophy at Biola University, from which Holly holds a Master’s Degree in Apologetics. God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement and A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement are intended to identify and analyze the beliefs of those within this movement and, more importantly, provide a sound biblical response to the false doctrine that is finding its way into mainstream evangelical Christianity.

new_apostolic_reformationHere is the link to the latest article on the horrific case of the Mississippi girl burned alive on the night of December 6th, “A Mississippi Burning: The Curious Case of Jessica Lane Chambers“.  Following the links within that article will lead you to an entire day’s worth of reading–and you won’t be any closer to grasping why someone would commit such a hideous crime.

Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM Central Time (UTC -6) for the Gilbert House Fellowship. Our plan is to study through the Bible in a live webcast every Sunday morning. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

Discuss these topics at the PID Radio Cafe, visit the VFTB Facebook page, and check out the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.

Download a smaller, lower-fidelity version of the mp3 of this show by clicking here.



  1. Maybe you should have left out the “we wrestle not against flesh and blood” bit at the end of your show on this one…

  2. How can the Gilberts stomach all the NARs interviewed and promote their books on the Horn site? If they have this knowledge how can they stay on the program? Someone please answer me via my email

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